Dear Future Teacher

Hi! my name is Evie sinclair I am 14 years old in year 11 my favourite time and period in school is lunch. I love to read books and write short stories, I really enjoy english as I hope to have a career in journalism when I leave school. I am excited to be in your class this year. I believe it’s important for you to know that I learn best when I read information online or from a book however if you talk to the class a lot i may not process all the given information so it would be beneficial form my learning for you to repeat or further explain some points . I love to learn new interesting facts about almost anything. I have one older sister named Nikita we are only 16 months apart so she’s like a built in best friend. Our parents own both Wanaka and Albert Town four square which is also where Nikita and I have worked for the past 7 years its now like a home away from home and its a great way to interact with new people, some of my hobbies include playing Football, doing karate, baking and laughing my head off at absolutely everything. Its also very important for you to know my absolute favourite food is chicken soup!!

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Hi Evie,
I have finally managed to log in to everyone’s blogs so I can see all your work 🙂
Great to read your letter and know a little bit more about you.
I know you wrote this before I arrived at MAC but I am also excited to have you in my class this year. It is not really how I imagined everything with this whole lockdown pandemic thing happening but I am still looking forward to working with you this year.
See you online soon

Tony Lamb

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