How to wear a mask

Wearing a mask should be a simple task but for many people worldwide it’s not. Today I am going to show you how to properly wear a mask so that it is not only beneficial for your health but for your peers and those around you. 

In today’s day and age we wear masks to help stop the spread of covid-19, studies show that wearing a mask drastically lowers the risk of getting covid by over 65% however it is important to know that only wearing a face mask does not eliminate the chances of contracting the virus just lowers the risk and slows the spread of germs,

other PPE gear such as gloves and basic hygiene techniques like washing your hands and not touching your face are a combination of important practices to protect the wearer and others. Behind me is an example of how far your breath would travel when not wearing a mask and this is an example of how far your breath would travel when wearing a mask, as you can tell there is a drastic difference, which shows the importance of covering up.

The invention of the face mask dates back to 1848, created for workers in the mines, however the face mask most similar to ours was created by a chinese scientist in the early 1900s who wanted to find a way to stop the spread of a plague in northeast china, his face mask was made of two thin pieces of gauze. His creation is very similar to the face masks we still have to day over 100 years later.

This blue mask which could be see being worn all around Wanaka during levels 3 and 4 creates a barrier between you and those contaminated but are usually loose fitting and don’t give the same level of protection as an N95 mask which are worn in high risk circumstances such as a nurse or doctor who cares for someone with covid-19.


Now I am going to demonstrate how to wear a mask in 4 Simple steps

  1. Take a single mask out of the box and ensure you are holding it the right way up by checking to see if the wire is on top
  2. Pull the top and bottom of the mask to open the folds, doing this ensures the mask will cover from your nose to your chin.
  3. Loop one elastic over each ear 
  4. push down the wire over the bridge of your nose to close any gaps where your breath can escape, this makes sure the mask is actually doing its job.

Draping your mask over one ear or having it only covering your mouth is not the proper or safe way to wear it and you can be refused service or asked to leave curtain stores or restaurants if you’re not properly covered.

Although wearing a mask seems like a fairly easy task many people have shown their low IQ and have been unable to properly cover up. these people are meant to be role models for people worldwide. Well known celebrities such as Lana Del Ray, Donald Trump and Paris Hilton have shown they don’t fully understand the risks of coronavirus and have failed to wear a proper mask and ignored protocols.

Along with countless reports backed up by scientific evidence showing the benefits of wearing a mask many people all over the world have refused to cover up claiming it restricts their breathing or goes against their human rights. The masks that have kept millions safe have been laughed at by careless individuals who believe the mask is similar to a muzzle worn by dogs.

Masks could usually be found in most supermarkets but now due to high demand many have opted to make their own out of fabric, and elastic like these. Which, when made properly are just as or more effective than the regular blue surgical mask. Many shops such as boohoo, cotton on and hurley have also started producing and selling stylish but slightly overpriced masks to go with almost any outfit.

 Over the course of 2020 we have seen many people wear face masks to support their rights and emotions by wearing masks that display images or slogans such as black lives matter or the pride flag.

Now that you have all been taught how to properly wear a mask I hope you now understand why it is important to cover up and use basic hygiene techniques.

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