Apollo 11

Give a brief plot overview.

Apollo 11 is a short documentary about Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they take the first steps on the moon. In 1 hour and 33 minutes the real life footage shows the procedures the two men and workers in mission control had to go through to make history. 

Discuss how a person in the documentary was portrayed by the film and how they stood out.

Neil Armstrong is portrayed as a strong and brave individual throughout the documentary.

When he first steps onto the moon he’s not sure if it’s safe, they couldn’t test everything before they went so there were aspects of uncertainty so he had to trust the science behind the experiment/adventure to the moon. This was one moment where he proves to be courageous.

Analyse the effectiveness of the film as a documentary. Did it cover the director’s intention.

I believe this film is effective because since there is no narrator constantly butting in and telling you whats happening, you feel like you are there in the space craft with them listening to everything they hear such as the mission control communicating to the men in space and seeing everything they see like the Earth being thousands of miles away.

Discuss the directors intention – do you believe they were successful in presenting this.

I believe the directors intention was to prove the conspiracy theories wrong that the moon landing was not fake, I believe the director achieved this goal as the documentary clearly shows multiple camera angles of the moon landing and all the hard work and people needed to achieve the moon landing.

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